Depandance San Martino
Depandance San Martino, located in the heart of Lucca’s historic center. This accommodation offers a blend of comfort and convenience, making it an good choice for travelers and is situated just a few minutes’ walk…

Why choose Walking on Francigena’s channels and website?
Why should you use Walking on Francigena channels and the website? There are many benefits to using the Walking on Francigena channel to find accommodation for your Via Francigena pilgrimage. Here are just a few:…

Porta Angelica
Browsing through paper writings and blogs, we discovered that many pilgrims and walkers, when they arrive at the last steps of their journey, mistakenly believe that Porta Angelica is the two arches opening that closes…

World Mountain Day
Mountains provide 60-80% of fresh water, without which life on earth would not be possible.Water from the mountains is essential for achieving global food security.World Mountain Day 2020

Via Francigena – The History
The Via Francigena is the official route, recognized by the European Association of the Vie Francigene, which started from Canterbury, in Great Britain and reaches Rome, crossing France and Switzerland.It is known that his first official…

World Soil Day
Founded in Thailand in 2002 but officially recognized by the United Nations in 2013, today, December 5th, is World Soil Day.It was created to raise the awareness of the world population on the importance of soil…
Francigena Closures
Steps Closed From 6 November to 3 December the first 16 steps of Via Francigena (from San Bernardo to Piacenza) are closed, it is not possible to walk on them.All the other stages can be…