The reasons for choosing the agriturism
These are the reasons for choosing the agriturism. For many it is a fantastic choice for pilgrims on the Via Francigena.

A new project to help you make the most of your Via Francigena trip.
We're excited to share with you a new project we're working on to help you make the most of your Via Francigena trip. As you know, finding the right accommodation can be a big part…

Depandance San Martino
Depandance San Martino, located in the heart of Lucca’s historic center. This accommodation offers a blend of comfort and convenience, making it an good choice for travelers and is situated just a few minutes’ walk…

Why choose Walking on Francigena’s channels and website?
Why should you use Walking on Francigena channels and the website? There are many benefits to using the Walking on Francigena channel to find accommodation for your Via Francigena pilgrimage. Here are just a few:…